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Rev. Dianne Everitt


Thank you for exploring our website!  Dianne feels extremely blessed serving at Bethany United Church.  She invites you to come and let us be part of your spiritual journey-come and find out more about the joy and peace of Jesus Christ.  Dianne's theology can be approached from looking to Psalm 107: the Psalm acknowledges the goodness of God in Creation.  But the Psalm goes on to acknowledge feelings of being lost, hungry and thirsty, of darkness and gloom, of imprisonment, of sickness; it tells of how sometimes our "courage melts away in our calamity" (v. 26.)  It is dark, scary, and uncertain.  Many of us experience such feelings at times.  But "then they cried to the Lord in their trouble" - this refrain pulses through the Psalm - and God answered as God does in response to our cry for help.  God reveals Godself to us in Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ who reminds us: "I am with you always, to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:20.)  As well as an M.Div. (Emmanuel College), Dianne also holds a B.A. (McMaster), M.A. (Queen's), and a B.Ed. (Toronto.)  She was ordained through the new Shining Waters Regional Council in May 2019.  Dianne is joined by her husband Jim, and their four children.

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